News & Political, Religious issues
중국 공산당의 패권 전략:중국의 초한전, 윤석열 대통령 탄핵 배후-이지용 교수
Where was the USAID funding used?-Crossroads
Pro-Life, Pro-Family Movements Find Ally in White House but Struggle Post-Roe
Like It or Oppose It, Trump’s Gaza Plan ‘Irreversibly’ Changed Middle East Conversation
Trade War Incoming? Trump’s 25% Tariffs, Gold’s Record Highs & Fed’s Next Move
Trump’s Crypto Order: Is CBDC a Bigger Threat to the Dollar Than Bitcoin?-Deven Soni
Showdown at the Panama Canal: A US Ally Gets Caught in the Middle of Trump vs. China
Trump’s reforms face challenges-Crossroads
인간의 뇌에 ‘칩’을 심는 기술 ‘뉴럴링크’.어디까지 왔나?
Delinquencies on Debt Surging: ‘ Huge Humanitarian Crisis Already Happening’-Lynette Zang
Terrifying Christian Persecution Unveiled: Executions, Violence Exposed
DEI Criticized as Fires Burn Los Angeles
더불어민주당 의원 박선원은 北 노동당원 문재인보다 서열 높다
Christians Terrorized Around the Globe: How Murder, Torture, Mayhem Point to Growing Persecution
Red Faced U.S’ Full Scale Air Strike On Yemen Hours After USS Harry Truman Burn In Red Sea
중동 분쟁의 원인을 불러일으킨 미국의 전 Jimmy Carter 대통령의 정체
Central Banks Colluded for Cheap Money, This Is Their Plan-Nomi Prins
Korea is at war with the Chinese Jesuits
Chinese Communist Party Supports Fentanyl Production, US House of Representatives: “We Can’t Stay Silent Anymore”
Chinese Communist Party Infiltrates the World. US Should Help Korea Fight It
Election fraud occurrence in countries such as Congo, Iraq, Bolivia, and Kyrgyzstan that used Korean electronic voting machines
부정선거 의혹, 충격과 분노의 18분 빼박 증거, 편견없이 보자-정동수목사
Declaration of Martial Law to secure data on election fraud by the National Election Commission: President Yoon Speech
Satanists Take Aim at Christian Kids Programs, Leader Responds